Hook sentence
Monday, August 24, 2020
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight :: Essays Papers
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight What makes a man a saint? Where lies the line which when crossed changes a human man into a legend? Is it at the special raised area at Canterbury? in the Minotaur’s maze? or on the other hand is it an age or a period? Does a man become a legend when he changes from a kid to a grown-up? or on the other hand when he quits taking care of business and turns into a saint? Where are the saints of 1993? In whom do the offspring of this age accept? Like whom do they endeavor to be? Kennedy, Lennon, and even Superman are dead. World pioneers are jokes of genuine men, more like Pilates than Thomas Mores. Pop culture’s symbols change every day. It is fascinating that almost 600 years back somebody was expounding on courage in a manner that can be seen today. The artist of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight tells a story wherein a man is demonstrated to be a legend through the apparently un-brave choices made over the span of various tests. Sir Gawain is a legend for the 21st century . He is attempted and caught, he is immersed with chances to fall flat but then he doesn't lose. All the more critically however, at long last he learns a basic, certain reality about himself and human instinct. What makes a man a saint? Not long before he leaves Camelot in look for the Green Knight, Sir Gawain offers maybe the most ideal response to this inquiry: â€Å"In fates miserable or joyful, True men can yet try.†Tests and choices are as various in any man’s life similar to the pulsates of his heart. The results he causes tail him perpetually; he is decided by them and they influence his whole presence. Gawain’s explanation isn't simply significant slant, valuable even today as a proportion of a man’s fortitude. It is additionally, coming as right on time as it does in Part II of the sonnet, a harbinger of how Gawain’s story may end. It advises a peruser that Gawain intends to do his level best in his fabulous undertaking and if in however one little way he ought to come up short, don't oppress him until thinking about how as an alternate man may have fared. Gawain, like the majority of the characters in the story, is tried on a few events. In the sonnet, as, in actuality, judgment ought not be passed on a man’s single choices independently, yet just by seeing how he has decided to carry on with his life. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight :: Essays Papers Sir Gawain and the Green Knight What makes a man a saint? Where lies the line which when crossed changes a human man into a legend? Is it at the special stepped area at Canterbury? in the Minotaur’s maze? or on the other hand is it an age or a period? Does a man become a saint when he changes from a kid to a grown-up? or on the other hand when he quits taking care of business and turns into a saint? Where are the legends of 1993? In whom do the offspring of this age accept? Like whom do they endeavor to be? Kennedy, Lennon, and even Superman are dead. World pioneers are jokes of genuine men, more like Pilates than Thomas Mores. Pop culture’s symbols change day by day. It is fascinating that almost 600 years back somebody was expounding on bravery in a manner that can be seen today. The writer of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight tells a story where a man is demonstrated to be a legend through the apparently un-courageous choices made over the span of various tests. Sir Gawain is a saint for the 21st cen tury. He is attempted and caught, he is immersed with chances to fall flat but he doesn't lose. All the more significantly however, at long last he learns a basic, certain reality about himself and human instinct. What makes a man a legend? Not long before he leaves Camelot in look for the Green Knight, Sir Gawain offers maybe the most ideal response to this inquiry: â€Å"In fates pitiful or cheerful, True men can yet try.†Tests and choices are as various in any man’s life just like the pulsates of his heart. The results he brings about tail him always; he is decided by them and they influence his whole presence. Gawain’s articulation isn't only significant notion, valuable even today as a proportion of a man’s courage. It is additionally, coming as right on time as it does in Part II of the sonnet, a harbinger of how Gawain’s story may end. It advises a peruser that Gawain intends to do his level best in his fabulous undertaking and if in yet one little way he ought to come up short, don't abuse him until thinking about how as an alternate man may have fared. Gawain, like the vast majority of the characters in the story, is tried on a few events. In the sonnet, as, all things considered, judgment ought not be passed on a man’s single choices separately, yet just by seeing how he has decided to carry on with his life.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Preventing Fetal Alcohol Spectrum disorders in New Zealand
Forestalling Fetal Alcohol Spectrum issue in New Zealand Put together BY: Harmanjot Kaur (CIB00002rv) Amandeep Kaur (CIB00002ku) New Zealand is one of the most beneficial and government assistance nations. The administration is very much aware about the reality of solid residents. As indicated by Global Health Observatory Data Repository Total consumption on wellbeing in New Zealand is expanding each year, and was 10.3% of Gross local item in the year 2013. This degree of progress in wellbeing has come through different wellbeing associations. New Zealand is consolidating and following the Ottawa Charter for wellbeing advancement, which was being held without precedent for Ottawa, on 21st of November 1986. It was essentially a response to the formative needs of populace for general prosperity. It depended on the progression made through the Declaration on Primary Health Care at Alma-Ata, the World Health Organizations Targets for Health everywhere throughout the world. Settlement of Waitangi: New Zealand government perceives that Mã„â ori prosperity and inadequacy needs are a commitment in regards to the whole region. It in like manner perceives that Mã„â ori bunches should have the ability to portray their own specific requirements for prosperity. Along these lines, while wellbeing advancement we have to consider three standards of the Treaty of Waitangi that is a Partnership, Participation, Protection (Ministry of Health, 2014). 1. Association: The organization between individuals who are advancing wellbeing and ladies of New Zealand who can be Mã„â ori or non-Mã„â ori or another person to make, execute, and study procedures to advance their wellbeing. 2. Cooperation: The Participation is about equivalent chance and results. It comes when both wellbeing advertisers and ladies of various societies take an interest together to get positive results. 3. Assurance: The head of insurance is tied in with keeping up the nobility and securing the rich Mã„â ori culture, premiums, qualities and convictions while advancement of wellbeing. Drinking alcohol is a bit of various New Zealanders lives, be that as it may, to an important degree, the case of drinking reasons hurt both to themselves just as others. One of the genuine rising danger of liquor addiction in New Zealander females is Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). It has been noticed that around 3000 kids brought into the world with fetal liquor range issue each year in New Zealand (Dastgheib, 2014). Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD)is an umbrella term utilized for a gathering of conditions brought about by liquor introduction to fetal. Each condition is to some degree like other and its determination depend on the presence of trademark highlights which are diverse in various individual and might be physical, formative and additionally neurobehavioral (National Organization for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, 2013). Alcohol can bring about mischief to the unborn child at whatever point mother expend liquor during pregnancy and the degree of harm is dependent upon the sum and recurrence of alcohol utilization. The unfavorable of liquor additionally rely upon time of pregnant mother, natural variables like pressure, diet, destitution, and lodging. It envelops the accompanying demonstrative terms: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS): is used to portray a specific recognizable social affair of youngsters who all grant certain characteristics: a specific game plan of facial idiosyncrasies, central tactile framework (CNS) brokenness, and routinely improvement inadequacy. (Blackburn, 2010). Fractional Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (PFAS): For this situation kids have not many seemed side effects, some physical indications and scarcely any scholarly incapacities. (Blackburn, 2010). Liquor related Neurodevelopmental Disorder (ARND): Causes harm to focal sensory system, Child my face difficulties in learning, poor inspiration control, poor social aptitudes, and issues with memory, thought and judgment (Blackburn, 2010). Liquor related Birth Defects (ARBD): Particular physical irregularities these can be heart issue, skeletal, vision, hearing related issues. (Stratton, Howe and Battaglia 1996). There is no remedy for FASD and its belongings endure forever (Ministry of Health, 2014). So there is have to forestall the reason. Wellbeing PROMOTION PLAN: Method of reasoning: There is a need of activity to strengthened undertakings to spread word about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum issue (FASD). It is been recognizes as a need to forestall FASD and to address the holes in conveyance of administration to those influenced by FASD. It is supported by a promise to the Treaty of Waitangi. It perceives New Zealand’s commitments under a scope of United Nations sanctions. So there is need have devastate the FAS from New Zealand society as practically 50% of NZ ladies are expending some liquor while pregnant. The liquor utilization isn't restricted to the female expending it, it is gone through placenta, as other sustenance goes to hatchling. There is have to understand the reality and make a move while participating in an encouraged, financed and fruitful key heading. Populace Group: This program covers all the ladies in their richness age. Program portrayal: Program incorporates Primary mindfulness, Secondary mindfulness and managing the turmoil. An extent of procedures is used as a significant part of a national exchanges task to enable New Zealanders to choose positive decisions about their alcohol usage particularly in pregnant ladies. Essential AWARENESS Basic advance: Our initial step will be creating store sources to fuse across the board general care messages to all networks in New Zealand. Barely any networks including Maori, Pacific Islander females, and vagrants should be centered more since they are less inclined to be acquainted with terms like FASD. There need of making those individuals mindful of such conditions with the goal that they can go without drinking alcohol during pregnancy. Mindfulness battles for youthful females: It is probably going to conceivable that we can lead workshops and special crusades in schools beginning from halfway or more significant levels, since this is the age where kid get dependent on liquor and different things. They ought to know about baby liquor disorder in there early fruitfulness age, with the goal that they can without much of a stretch settle on better decisions for their youngsters. Besides this can prompt spread the words in families and networks also. Most likely they think about the destructive impact of drinking however not the genuine impact on embryo and FASD. Broad communications: Social media have extraordinary effect on the youthful populace of the nation. We can utilize social destinations, TV, YouTube to pass on the message to youth. A short narrative recordings will demonstrate successful in spreading messages. Also leaflets, handouts and wellbeing advancement banners to choose better decisions about drinking alcohol. Simply make individuals mindful without anyone else by advancing the unfriendly impacts, for instance, prosperity forewarning imprints or marks on alcohol jars and jugs will demonstrate successful. Using expansive correspondences to interface with our social occasions of individuals, we can give online gadgets and other information where people can assess their own drinking and think about measurements and realities managing alcohol. Optional AWARENESS: Screening: If female devour liquor, regardless of in which sum, the female is pregnant or liable to get pregnant, it is prescribed to get screening from the specialist. This will include sustenance history, sexual prosperity, contraception history (whenever taken before), past pregnancy history, bosom taking care of and so on. This all information can uncover the odds of getting FASD in her youngster and accordingly proper safety measures can be taken to maintain a strategic distance from it. Optional counteraction should be possible with basic social insurance and analyzing sustenance, sexual prosperity, contraception, beginning as well as pregnancy with clients going before and in the midst of pregnancy and breastfeeding. Need to consider following exhortation on liquor use when pregnancy: No alcohol in pregnancy is the most secure choice We will urge women to stop drinking alcohol when pregnant and ideally when they are intending to imagine, quit it immediately. Since there is no protected breaking point or time to drink alcohol during pregnancy. In the event that lady can't stop alcohol, we will encourage her to reduce her alcohol utilization, don't abstain yourself to look for clinical help. Activity Plan: First and chief activity is to disperse flyers and leaflet. The fundamental site of getting consideration will be gynecology and obstetrics wards and facilities in Auckland, where it will be of more noteworthy use. This will assist us with canning set up an action plans, with shorter-term destinations and obligations. For long haul objectives, we will target adolescent young ladies, young ladies in their mid twenties, to forestall FASD from root. How to manage Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD)? FASD isn't really treatable, early intercession organizations help youngster to improve from birth to little child age and can learn basic aptitudes. Certain treatments and moderate medicines are useful in making youngster talk, walk, and team up with others. There are ventures that can assist people with FASD with their learning and lead. These activities can assist people with FASD be as free and achieve anyway much as could be normal. To wrap things up, don't stop for a second to talk with your GP. End: Health advancement isn't just the matter of circulating flyers and commercials, it is an enormous duty and chance to make society mindful of its environmental factors. We have to use the systems vision, targets and overseeing gauges. We have to accumulate and scatter learning, results of evaluation and best practices are put set up at the national level. It is a nonstop procedure, whenever finished with the best possible vision and course, can roll out viable improvement in network. References What is FASD? Recovered on walk 12, 2015 from National Organization for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: http://www.nofasard
Friday, July 17, 2020
A 3-Step Process to Break a Cycle of Frustration, Stress, and Fighting at Work
A 3-Step Process to Break a Cycle of Frustration, Stress, and Fighting at Work “If a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment, not the flowerâ€" this is my favorite quote when it comes to the working environment and employees development.You may have found yourself in a situation where almost everything you want to do at work faces the resistance in your office.Sometimes it comes from your boss, sometimes from your colleagues and sometimes even from you â€" because you believe someone will have resistance and you find your effort to be useless, so sadly you give up in the first place.Unfortunately, we have seen many companies with extraordinary employees perform poorly, due to the toxic culture that rules amongst employees.To highlight how important this is, just imagine a company that consists of brilliant individuals that can’t show what they know because they are too busy fighting over something irrelevant. It would be a waste of talents.In order to help people overcome this toxic culture and also prevent it in the future, we have covered the mos t common roots of the frustration, stress, and fighting at work, and also a simple 3-step process how to overcome these challenges.THE ROOT OF THE PROBLEMBefore discussing the solutions and looking for a way to improve the work environment, we have to find the actual cause of the problem.Here comes a variety of things that can influence as to feel stressed, and eventually even depressed, and we need to seek for as many as possible perspectives in order to become able to actually cope with these problems.Causes can be different â€" coming from personal problems or coming actually from the environment at the work.And the tricky thing about the environment is the fact that it consists of all the people who work in the same company, and all of them also have their personal challenges.Taking everything into consideration, we have made a list of things that usually cause stress, frustration and fighting at work.1. Work OverloadThis one is a strictly professional cause and it appears when an employee becomes overwhelmed with the amount of work he or she is responsible for.Work should challenge us, but also there is a line that shouldn’t be crossed.This line is different for anyone and it represents the moment in which challenges at work become frustration at work.To put this in another way, imagine getting a new position that you were really looking forward to.This feels quite rewarding for you, but also you are aware that the higher position brings more responsibility and therefore, you need to become a better version of yourself, in order to accomplish everything.This can be quite healthy and result in you improving much faster and becoming more competent than ever.However, if the load of work you are getting becomes too much for you to handle and you are not able to get everything done due to the lack of your competence, it can become very frustrating, and eventually result in you quitting or down stepping, instead of progressing.This can be a strong driver for all the following frustration at can influence satisfaction at work not only for the individual but for all employees.2. Long HoursAlmost every company comes that period of the year when extra hours are mandatory in order for everything to be done.This is a piece of old news, but what is actually new and not well known are the consequences that can come from working too long.There have been many examples of people becoming less productive although they are working longer.It has been proven that there is no rule when it comes to the connection between long hours and productivity.On the contrary, the latest studies show us that working for a shorter period of time boosts employees satisfaction and therefore brings more results to the company.Why is it stressful for people to work longer? People often feel as they are doing something they don’t want to do, due to the fact that they are staying longer in the office than they believe they should, feeling robbed of their free time.If employees start feeling threatened by the company, they will become stressed and frustrated, and eventually do the job just to say that it’s done, not dedicating themselves to it actually. Unfortunately, this is their way of getting back to the company if they cant find a better way to express how unsatisfied they are.Even though they are “getting back†to the company and finding their way to justice, they are doing something that’s not according to their values and beliefs, which will leave them feeling even worse.You can see how this becomes a cycle of frustration that is hard to break.3. Close DeadlinesWe have all experienced pressure due to deadlines at least once in our lives.You know how bad it can get when you are aware of everything you need to do, aware of the little time that is left and the consequences that will appear if you cross the deadline.Being aware doesnt help when you are running late and start having panic attacks that not only make you feel worse bu t also prevent you from finishing anything.If you got that feeling even for a moment now, try imagining feeling that way each day at the work. Would there be a smile on your face while you are headed to work?Probably not and we completely understand you.Sometimes its the employees that are running late with their tasks and getting themselves in these kinds of situations theres no doubt.But unfortunately, in some companies, its the employers who push others and drive the pressure.Having everything mentioned above in mind, theres no doubt that being constantly in a hurry and feeling as you are underachieving at your work, causes stress which can lead do different arguments and conflicts.4. Work-related InsecurityThis usually occurs when starting a job in a new company or at some higher position.For example, a person who comes to a completely new environment without any support of others and in the worst case scenario poor training can feel overly stressed.Insecurity is a well-known t hing as we are all fighting a battle with it in our own unique ways.What is common for everyone is the fact that we are all haunted by our insecurities when we find ourselves in an unknown ground.What we need in those kinds of situations is somebody who will guide us and support us, until we realize our potential and get confident in our abilities.Unfortunately, in some companies, mentors of the newbies sometimes dont dedicate themselves enough to the people they are responsible for which results in high insecurity.Coming back each day from a work where you feel incompetent and not supported can lead to deep levels of stress and eventually result in people resigning from their positions.5. The Absence of AutonomyIf people can find purpose in what they are doing and can clearly see how everything they do contributes to a bigger cause, they will want to contribute, and they will want to contribute in their own way.Why does this happen? People enjoy being part of bigger groups take so ciety as the most obvious example, but also enjoy being recognized for something good they did.When it comes to work, people want to have control over their piece of work, as they are the ones who will have to stand behind it.The problem occurs when the wishes of the employees are not the same as the wishes of the employers.Employees often feel afraid and lack the courage to stand up to their bosses, defending their ideas.Even if they do, it can often happen that the boss finds the idea irrelevant, concluding that he or she is more competent, due to their experience.This brings employees in a really bad position where they feel as they are not important or that their opinion is not relevant.These are the most common roots of the problems that come directly from the work environment. Unfortunately, even if all of these problems were covered, there still might be challenges that cause frustration, stress, and conflicts at work.But these cases are rare, and cant impact that much the wo rk environment.Whats more, if the work environment is healthy and supportive it can help any employee to sort out the things in personal areas of life, too.HOW TO BREAK CYCLE OF FRUSTRATION, STRESS, AND FIGHTING AT WORKThere are different ways to succeed in this, but we decided to present you one process that has helped many people before you.In order to complete it successfully, here is a step by step guide that can help you feel calmer and at peace at work.1. Become Aware of YourselfYou might find this narcissistic, but trust us, it’s definitely not. You always have to start from yourself â€" no matter if it is a good or a bad thing happening.In this ever-changing world, there is only one thing you can control â€" yourself. To be more precise, you can control only what you think about.What you think about becomes what you do, and your actions result in everything that is happening to you.That’s why it is very important to become completely aware of yourself and ensure your inn er peace.What does it mean to become completely aware of yourself? It means getting to the bottom of your strengths, weaknesses, passion, and purpose.When you become aware of your personal WHY, you will find yourself in a situation where making decisions, collaborating with others, stating your opinion etc. becomes quite simple and something you do without worrying about it.Only when we get to know ourselves, we can start getting to know others, and most importantly understand them.If you know who you are and what strengths and weaknesses you have, you will have no challenge telling yes or no to your boss when it comes to some task.Also, when you are completely aware of your beliefs and values, there is only a small chance for you to become frustrated by your co-workers or some stakeholder.On the contrary, you are in a position to understand others and help them feel peaceful and work in harmony, too.The most important advice for you when you begin your journey of raising self-awa reness: make sure you focus on your strengths because your strengths are the ones that will help you make progress in your life.If you rely on your strengths, you will see how much you can progress, and most importantly, you will feel empowered most of the time.2. Start Working on Your Emotional Self-controlNow that you are aware of your strengths and weakness, your most important thing in life â€" your WHY, and also what actually causes you to feel in a specific way, it is the time for you to work on coping with emotions.Emotions can be an amazing thing and driver of outstanding results in the company â€" everybody has emotions, and when we feel something strongly, we are more keen on dedicating ourselves to that thing.But on the other hand, the more invested we feel, the higher chance of stress and frustration can appear, especially if that thing is not entirely in our hands, but depends on the others too.In those kinds of situations, our emotional intelligence, as well as self- control, play the most important role. Imagine a situation where a conflict occurs and you get completely frustrated.Your initial reaction would be to become angry and start an argument with your colleagues (if you are an expressive type) or become angry and keep it for yourself, holding in those toxic emotions for the rest of the day.Instead of reacting in that way, you should be thankful for those kinds of the situation because that means that you can practice your emotional self-control.This means reconsidering the way you act, by finding the best possible solution for yourself.The goal should be to embrace the fact that for instance, a conflict occurred, both sides have some arguments, but nobody has a bad intention and there is no reason for us to feel threatened.Emotional self-control can put us in a situation where we see everything clearly, have an objective perspective and can completely understand the other side, even though we still don’t agree with some things.3. Be come Friends With People You Work WithIt might sound hard to believe in the first place, but actually, your co-workers can become your friends.Why is this good for lowering the stress in the office?You know how no matter which argument you have with your friends, you have no fear of speaking up your mind and you are not afraid that something (in this case your relationship) will be ruined.Thats because you have trust in your friends and you know that an argument is just a temporary thing. That type of relationships you should strive to build with your coworkers.It would mean that you have no fear of giving them feedback, or that when they give you the feedback you dont take it personally.You trust them that its with a good intention and for the good of the company.Lastly, you will start to enjoy work more.That means that you will leave your work with a big smile, and also come back the next day with even bigger.Also, anything that happens on work â€" for example, work overload, long hours etc. will be much easier to handle if you have support from your colleagues, better say friends.END OF ARTICLEMany people hate Mondays, but it’s actually their work that they hate.This is something you should definitely avoid, and trust us, it’s not that hard.All you have to do is actually realize what the problem is, and apply a simple 3 step guide for applying the solution.If you dont know from where to start â€" start from yourself. It is always the best start. Analyzing your thoughts and actions can lead to many discoveries, and most importantly, you will finally understand yourself, as well as things that get on your nerves.Some good piece of advice you should take with you after reading this text is to always find the time for self-reflecting.Most of us think that we dont have the time for this, but actually, its the one thing we always need to have time for.You can combine it with practicing mindfulness â€" for example, disciplines such as yoga or meditation. Th ere is no better way to start the day.And in the end, remember always that we are all human beings and that we all are facing some different challenges.Don’t judge others and always try to understand their perspective.You can learn a lot from it, not to mention how improved your relationships with others would be if they saw how empathetic you were. And you are empathetic â€" just let it overwhelm you while you master your Zen and calmness and bring peace to your office.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Essay Mind and Mind/body Solution - 689 Words
Androids and the Mind/Body Problem The Synopsis: Star Trek Episode â€Å"The Measure of a Man†deals with the thought that android could have physical and mental properties. In order to fully understand or evaluate this we have to have a clear understanding of the Mind/Body Problems and solutions. Humans are material objects consisting of physical and mental properties. Physical properties examples are height, weight, color, shape or size and mental properties are awareness, consciousness, feeling, thinking, emotions and senses. The problem arises because these properties interact where intentional or unintentional continuously. Hasker discusses several mind/body solutions such as idealism, materialism, behaviorism, dualism, and†¦show more content†¦That can be defined as having self-awareness. The only question that presents itself with this solution is consciousness. Hasker’s criteria for a being to be sentient include intelligence, self-awareness and consciousness. I feel these are adequate basis to start. Other properties or characteristics that could be beneficial are morality, and spirituality. God is our identity and creator that leads us. We have a soul which was created by God that gives us life after death. The Mind/Body Solutions dualist mentions that it is the most influential because it was developed by Christians. It recognizes God and our soul is involved. Artificial intelligence at the level presented in the story I do not feel will be possible. Yes I do feel android can be programed to perform a certain behavior but having a sense of feelings, thoughts, emotions and a soul that comes with being a human. God has ultimately created us with these characterizes and we are living things. I do not feel Picard is being irrational because he truly believes Data has rights and he should be allowed to make his decisions regarding his future. Emotions probably come into play because Data is his co-worker even if Picard is the commanding officer. I strongly feel he is supporting an employee of his rights. Given all the evidence presented to JAG I feel they made the right decision. Data presented with thoughts and self-awareness which he could have been programed toShow MoreRelatedA Solution to the Mind-Body Problem2685 Words  | 11 PagesSearch for Solution to the Mind-Body Problem The distinction between mind and body has been philosophical fodder for millennia. In its simplest form, the mind-body problem seeks to answer the question: What is the relationship between the mind and body? Philosophers, psychologists, and neuroscientists alike have crafted various theories in attempt to comprehend the place of thought, feeling, and self-understanding in the natural world. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Review Of Divertimento Fanfare By Roger Zare - 1268 Words
On October 5th, the Auburn University Chamber Winds and Symphonic Winds performed a collection of pieces from different time periods including: The Classical period, the 20th century period, and the Modern period. All of the pieces, except for the last piece and the pieces that were not conducted, were conducted by either Michael Cater, Zack Deininger, Ethan Lolley, or Meghan Miller, who are all graduate conductors. The first piece performed, â€Å"Divertimento-Fanfare†, was written by Roger Zare. Zare is known for his contemporary chamber and orchestral work. His music is inspired by science nature, mathematics, and mythology. Zare uses word painting to convey and contrast the two ideas in â€Å"Divertimento-Fanfare†. The opening rhythm can be described as consonance and then as the piece progresses, the rhythm becomes dissonant. The interaction between these two kinds of rhythms builds tension and energy. The texture of the piece had a main melody and a subordinate me lody, otherwise known as a homophonic texture. The only instruments in this piece were the trumpet, horn, trombone, and the euphonium (small tuba). The tone color or timbre of each instrument were all related with one another because all the instruments were in the brass family. The second piece played was the Overture and it was written by Kurt Weill. Kurt Weill was born the son of a cantor in Dessau. He made a name for himself in Berlin during the 1920’s and 30’s while working with Bertolt Brecht. His Overture
Soccer the Game of My Life Free Essays
General purpose: To inform Goal: In my speech I would like to talk to my audience about soccer, which is my hobby. Introduction I. I am sure each of you have a hobby or an activity, which is an escape from the everyday life. We will write a custom essay sample on Soccer: the Game of My Life or any similar topic only for you Order Now II. Such as hobbies or sport activities let’s you relief the stress, and give you the strength to live. III. I also have a hobby, which is soccer. I play soccer since I was a little boy, and it had a big influence on my life. IV. Today, I would like to tell you about how playing soccer shaped my physical and mental strength, allowed me to travel, and meet people and friends. Body I. To begin, let’s talk about health benefits I gained from playing soccer. A. I shaped my overall physical strength and health. 1. Years of playing soccer let me keep my body in good shape. Running, jumping, and stretching, had build up my flexibility, endurance, and physical strength. 2. Continuous training allowed me to stay healthy all the time. Beside occasional colds or flu I never got sick. B. Pushing my body to hard work influenced my mental strength. 1. The desire to win the game and the endless forcing myself to work hard taught me to never give up, to â€Å"fight to the last whistle†. 2. Soccer allows me to escape from the everyday life. When I play soccer, I forget about all my worries and problems. During the game my stress is relived. Transition: Beside physical and mental health I also received many social benefits from soccer. II. I did travel a lot; I met many people, and made lots of friends. A. Many years of playing soccer allowed me visited many places. 1. Playing in regular season involved travel in a bus around the country. There was always time to stop to see important monuments, explore interesting places or cities. 2. To prepare for the season we often travel to other countries for several days. I have visited many cities in Russia, Ukraine, Slovakia, or Germany. 3. Now, when I am playing for Tarnovia Chicago, I do traveling as well. My team is participating in the soccer tournaments hosted in Wisconsin, Michigan, New Jersey, California, and Florida. B. While traveling with the team I met many new friends. 1. Traveling involves spending a lot of time with your teammates. Long bus and train rides, or living in the same room give plenty of time to play, talk, and get to know each other. 2. I also met many people on the field from the opponent teams. With some of those people we have set specific form of friendship, which only exists on the soccer field. We meet once a while at the game and we enjoy playing against each other. Conclusion Summing up my speech, soccer is a team sport, where the personal strengths, trust, and friendships between people are being formed. Those are the things I value the soccer for. How to cite Soccer: the Game of My Life, Papers
Saturday, April 25, 2020
The biggest refugee crisis caused by climate changes
The biggest refugee crisis caused by climate changes According to a new report, millions of people throughout the world will be just forced to leave their homes and look for asylum because of the climate change in the next decade. This will create the biggest refugee crisis in the history of humanity. Senior US military and security experts have stated that in accordance with the Environmental Justice Foundation the number of climate refugees will even be bigger than those who left their dwellings because of the Syrian conflict. This problem is about to bring a lot of challenges and difficulties to Europe. The retired US military corps brigadier general Stephen Cheney once said that the problems Europe is experiencing now cannot be compared with those which will happen in 20 years. Climate changes force people to leave Africa, the Sahel areas especially. And those, who are seeking some better living conditions, do not move to South Africa. Instead, they are going across the Mediterranean. There was a study published, which calls all governments to agree on a new legal framework in order to protect the climate and those who are suffering from its changes. It is also claimed that all nations should undertake the measures prepared in the Paris climate agreement to implement the targets. The former chief scientific adviser to the UK government, Sir David King, said that what we have now is a real threat to the civilization in a long-term perspective. This issue includes all kinds of risks. In the broader aspect, it also required human responses which were not taken into account before. From the report, we also get to know that Syrian droughts forced 1.5 million people to migrate leaving their homes between 2006 and 2011. All that people have no means to live there that time. They had no access to water, food, jobs etc. Climate change is seen as an unpredictable element which can happen anytime and in any corner of the world. However, in case this element is added to the existing social, economic and political problems, disastrous consequences are inevitable. The problem of climate change should be necessarily taken into account and addressed. This issue can arouse violent conflicts and mass migrations. So, it is the urgent problem for all policymakers and leaders to be solved soon, as it develops at very high rates. Despite the fact that the majority of refugees are people from the Middle East and Africa, changing climate can affect other countries as well. Richer or poorer, all nations are under threat. The fact that the climate change has put the whole world under an existential threat, it is still not late to take some actions to protect our home from the fatal consequences. By doing at least the smallest steps to address the problem. We should phase greenhouse gas emissions. There should also be an international legal mechanism built to protect climate refugees. By caring of all these things, we will manage to save the planet and build a future for the world. The problem of climate change is developing day by day. It will not wait. It means, people shouldn’t wait as well. Tomorrow can be too late for people who are in trouble.
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